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Countdown begin to Annual National Assessment

The Department of Basic Education says its 100 days to go to the Annual National Assessments.

The assessments are scheduled to be written between the 18th and 21st of September.

Department spokesperson, Panyaza Lesufi, says the assessments put the literacy and numeracy skills of the county's young learners to the test.

He says a lot of work has gone in to improving last year's poor assessment outcome.

"This time we've worked very hard and we've been training so hard with the educators. Unlike last year where we made learners write at the beginning of the year now they are writing in September and this has given us the time and stamina to ensure that we have much improved annual results," he said.

The Department of Basic Education says the "ANA will not be used for promotion to the next grade, but as a guide for teachers to identify challenges in curriculum coverage and to inform their lessons in the classroom."

"Teachers will mark these assessments according to instructions provided by the Department, and parents will receive ANA results before the end of October. The school governing body (SGB) will receive, at the beginning of each year, a report from the district office. This report will enable schools to compare its ANA results to those of other schools in the district," said Lesufi.

The Department has also ensured that teachers are able to adequately prepare for this year's assessments. The following resources are available on the Department of Basic Education (DBE) website, www.education.gov.za

"A qualitative report on what learners were not able to do in ANA 2011 and how these can be improved.
"Three sets of test exemplars which illustrate the scope, depth and testing techniques used in ANA tests for each grade.
"A complete exemplar test of Mathematics and Language for each grade.
"ANA Guidelines which indicate the expected curriculum coverage at the time of ANA administration which will be at the end of the third quarter of the school year. (18 -21 September 2012)

Further information on this year's ANA can be found on the DBE website (www.education.gov.za) where a dedicated section has been set up to provide pertinent information around the 2012 ANA.