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Cosatu and SACP to march with Wits students

JOHANNESBURG, September 23 (ANA) – The Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) and South African Communist Party (SACP) on Friday committed to joining the University of Witwatersrand (Wits) students protest on the streets next month in a bid to show solidarity for their #FeesMustFall campaign.

Deputy general-secretary of the SACP, Solly Mapaila said the march on October 14 is directed at private capital who have more money than the South African government.

“There is no miss direction this — is the correct place where we can work with them and fight the real monopolies who deny them access to higher education,” said Mapail.

Cosatu general secretary, Bheki Ntshalintshali said the trade union federation appreciated the high discipline shown by the students marching to their offices.

Ntshalintshali said they too are worried about the destruction of property.

Students across South Africa have been protesting for free education at various universities including the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, the University of KwaZulu-Natal, the University of Cape Town, the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth and the Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria.

The students have been protesting since Monday after Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande announced that state universities could increase fees for 2017, capped at eight percent.

– African News Agency (ANA)