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Cops confiscate beer worth millions destined for illegal miners in Welkom

Beer worth around R1.5 million believed to be destined for illegal miners were seized and 21 people arrested in Welkom in the Free State, provincial police said on Friday.

The arrests and seizure was made after members of the police’s tactical response team, crime intelligence gathering, and Protea mine security guards, raided a house in the St Helena suburb of Welkom on Thursday afternoon.

“An operation was organised…and the suspects were found in the act of wrapping items with plastics for delivery. Twenty one suspects from different hostels in Thabong were arrested and 440 ml beers like Windhoek, Castle Milk Stout and Black Label were seized,” said police spokesman Stephen Thakeng.

“The house does not have furniture but is used mainly for wrapping of these items meant for illegal miners underground.”

The 21 suspects are expected to appear in the Welkom Magistrate’s Court on Monday, January 18, on charges of contravening the riotous assemblies act, and conspiracy to commit an offence.

“The accused unlawfully conspired with illegal miners and or other persons unknown to the State to aid in and or to procure the commission of an offence,” said Thakeng.
– African News Agency (ANA)