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Chopper ferries food to stranded school kids at Cango Mountain Resort


A helicopter has been put on standby to deliver food and water supplies to 72 school children from Maletswai (formerly Aliwal North), who became trapped at the Cango Mountain Resort due to the heavy rain.

The Oudtshoorn Municipality said a group of 72 children from Aliwal North Primary School, as well as 10 adults, found themselves stranded due to the Le Roux River, which runs through the resort,  overflowing its banks.

“Weather permitting, the group should be able to safely cross over by tomorrow (WEDS),” the Municipality said.

“In response to the challenging circumstances, arrangements were made to dispatch a helicopter to provide much-needed food and water supplies the group at Cango Mountain Resort as they are unable to cross over the flooded river and roads,” the Oudtshoorn Municipality said.

There were no casualties reported among both children and the adults, who are said to be in good health, but “temporarily unable to leave the resort”.

Oudtshoorn Municipal Disaster Management said the Air Mercy Helicopter would remain on standby to deliver essential supplies until the floodwaters recede and the roads become passable again.

“We express our deep appreciation for the quick and coordinated efforts of all involved, especially the helicopter crew,” the Municipality said.