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Chaos at Eastern Cape ANC elective conference in East London

Voting for the new ANC Eastern Cape provincial leadership was concluded at East London International Convention Centre on Sunday morning despite the outbreak of violence inside the conference venue which saw a number of delegates that are backing Premier Phumulo Masualle to retain provincial chairmanship storming out of the conference.

The provincial conference descended into chaos which left at least eight delegates injured after ANC members turned against each other due to disagreements over the adoption of credentials.

A number of ANC delegates stormed out of the conference venue after midnight alleging that they were being assaulted with chairs and other dangerous objects by the supporters of provincial secretary, Oscar Mabuyane.

One delegate was seriously injured after he was severely beaten in the face with a microphone - according to eye witnesses. He was among a few injured individuals that were rushed to hospital by an ambulance.

According to ANC provincial spokesman Mlibo Qoboshiyane some delegates were raising issues about the presence of certain branches in the conference whilst they didn't hold their branch general meetings.

Qoboshiyane said: "There were calls to vote for adoption of credentials but certain members would not accept that, they started singing, after two to three hours of consultation chairs started to fly, some delegates started to panic and ran to the front."

He said members of the national executive committee are supposed to guide a way forward.

An ANC member of the national executive committee, Bheki Cele said he was speaking with the police at the back stage of the conference venue when things turned violent. "I saw people running towards our direction and police tried to protect me, saying I must lie down but I refused," said Cele.

Delegates have again accused provincial executive member, Andile Lungisa and Amathole regional secretary Teris Ntutu for the disruptions.

A conference delegate that cannot be named as he is not authorized to speak to the media said: "They (Lungisa and Ntutu) disputed everything, trying to disqualify every delegate from their regions if they appear to be supporting Mabuyane. Both of them were complaining about delegates that were disqualified."

Earlier in the day, Ntutu alleged that there were branches from his region of Amathole who did not convene branch general meetings but have members who have been smuggled to the conference. He said about 14 of them were later disqualified but 10 of them did not return the tags that allow delegates inside the venue. Lungisa, however said he does not hold any regional position and therefore could never influence the BGMs.

When calm return a large number of delegates returned to the conference venue but those that are supporting Masualle held their own gatherings outside the premises of the conference venue.

Inside the conference venue, the meeting resumed with the adoption of credentials and nomination for the top five leadership positions.

ANC spokesman Zizi Kodwa said there were about 80 percent of delegates inside the venue and the 20% includes a number of delegates that did not arrive for the conference.

Mabuyane accepted the nomination for provincial chairman, Masualle who was another nominee was not present at the venue and members of NEC said they had contacted him regarding the nomination. It was the same scenario for all the members in the Masualle faction as none of them were present. Mabuyane also received nomination for the provincial secretary position which he has held for the past eight years.

The voting outcome is expected to be a clean sweep as it is only the faction that supports Mabuyane which remained behind.

However it is highly anticipated that the Masualle faction could bring a court interdict or a legal challenge to the outcome of the provincial conference.

Results are expected to be released during the course of Sunday - African News Agency