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Catzavelos facing prosecution in Greece

The EFF says it is pleased with the manner the NPA handled the Adam Catzavelos case, on Thursday morning.

Catzavelos made his second appearance at the Randburg Magistrates Court where charges of crimen injuria have been brought against him.

EFF Gauteng Chairperson Mandisa Mashego says they are also communicating with the Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) who initiated their own proceedings.

The SAHRC will continue communicating openly with the EFF until their matter goes to the Equality Court.

Mashego says the Defence asked to delay the matter until the 24th of July but the State argued that it was too long of a delay.

She says they expect Catzavelos to be arguing jurisdiction issues and they will deal with any unnecessary technicalities so that this matter can go to trial as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, it has also come to light that Catzavelos is being prosecuted in Greece.

His lawyer says the charges are not yet known as the papers are in Greek and will need to be translated.

The case was postponed to the 10th of July. 

Source and picture: Jacaranda FM News