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Balaclava serial rapist convicted on 44 charges

JOHANNESBURG, March 7 (ANA) – One of two men dubbed the Alexandra balaclava serial rapists was on Tuesday found guilty on all 44 charges he was facing in the Johannesburg High Court.

Judge Ingrid Oppermann read out the testimonies of their victims who were attacked at East Bank Park and other areas in Alexandra, north of Johannesburg.

The packed public gallery heard gruesome evidence of a number of victims who were sexually assaulted and robbed by the two men.

Xaniseka Mukansi faced 16 counts of rape, 17 of compelling rape and 11 of robbery with aggravating circumstances, while his accomplice Sija Mabitsela pleaded guilty to 76 counts of rape on Monday.

Oppermann read from the evidence of a woman who testified that she was with her partner when they were approached by two men who instructed them and two other couples to exchange partners and have sexual intercourse with each other. The accused then took turns raping the women, before robbing their victims.

The men used a gunshot signal after they had spotted their victims.

In another incident a young girl, who was 16-years-old at the time, was with her friend when they were approached by three people, two men and a woman. One of the men said: “Do something stupid and you will die”.

Later another man arrived with another couple. In total there were three couples, who were instructed to undress and have sex with each other. The young girl refused and was kicked by one of the men who then saw her phone and took it away from her.

She told the man who was assigned to her not to insert his penis inside her. One of the men, brandishing a gun, said they were not done and raped the woman next to her before a man, who she described as shorter than the other attacker, raped her.

Mukansi along with his accomplice also robbed a number of the couples of their phones.

The matter was postponed to March 24 for pre-sentencing proceedings.

The case against his co-accused, Mabitsela, was on Monday postponed to March 15 for a plea and sentence agreement.

-African News Agency (ANA)