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Another government entity under scrutiny

The Competition Commission said it had taken PRASA to the Competition Tribunal for abusing its dominance by overcharging bus operators at Johannesburg's Park Station.

The referral followed complaints by competitors that the state transport agency was favouring its own subsidiary, Autopax, over its non-subsidised competitors at the terminal in terms of space allocation.

It said in addition, PRASA was also a competitor in the long-distance bus business through Autopax, which runs the Translux and City-to-City services. 

The Competition Commission is asking the tribunal to fine PRASA an amount not "exceeding 10 percent of its annual turnover".

"Except for Autopax, long-distance bus operators provide an unsubsidised bus transportation service, and as such the cost of access to an intermodal terminal facility is important to them," the Commission said.