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ANC to march to Constitutional Court in protest against Hani Killer

March 14 (ANA) – The African National Congress (ANC) will on Monday embark on a march to the Constitutional Court to protest the imminent release of Januz Walus, the man who shot struggle hero Chris Hani dead.

Last week on Thursday the High Court in Pretoria ordered that Walus to be released on parole within 14 days.

Walus, who has spent 23 years in prison, fatally shot Hani on the 10th of April 1993. Hani was the leader of the South African Communist Party and chief of staff of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the ANC.

In a statement the ANC on Thursday said: “Walus’imminent release is a travesty of justice and a tragedy for the Hani family and all South Africans who believe in human rights and who held a firm belief in our right to fight for freedom,”

Marchers will meet at Mary Fitzgerald Square, where they will march through the Johannesburg CBD to the Constitutional Court.
– African News Agency (ANA)