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ANC rejects allegations of R50m covert election campaign targeting opposition

The African National Congress (ANC) has noted and rejects, with the contempt they deserve, reports in the media that the organisation conducted or sought to conduct a "R50m. covert campaign targeting opposition parties" during the 2016 Local Government Election. We further reject any allegation that the organisation owes any monies to any companies purporting to run such clandestine campaign. We welcome that we have been vindicated in this matter by the South Gauteng High Court which dismissed the application with costs today.

The African National Congress has always been and remains committed to running clean campaigns in all the elections we have participated in since 1994. This is because of our utmost confidence in the superiority of the ideas of the ANC, working with our people, to improve their lives for the better. We have always, and continue to rely on our undisputed track record in fundamentally changing the lives of our people and creating a South Africa much better today than it was in 1994, as the reason we win their hearts and minds in the electoral contest. That there is no credible opposition party in South Africa able to match the track record, experience and capability of the ANC provides further incentive to South Africans to continue to choose the ANC, knowing that its fundamental objective is the attainment of their aspirations. Accordingly, the ANC does not need nor has it ever engaged in any clandestine "black ops" to woo voters.

The ANC once again reiterates that Ms Sihle Bolani, Messrs Joseph Nkadimeng and Shaka Sisulu et al were not contracted or mandated by the ANC or any of its structures tasked with the communications work of the organisation in the 2016 Local Government Election. Their activities were not sanctioned by the ANC and consequently, we distance ourselves against any insinuation that any such campaign was known to or approved by the African National Congress.