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ANC members implicated in VBS scandal to go to Integrity Commission

The Office of the Secretary-General of the ANC said it had referred cases of leaders or members implicated in the VBS bank scandal to the party's Integrity Commission.

In a statement, they said that in line with the ANC's 54th Conference resolutions, it has written to the chairperson of the party's Integrity Commission, George Mashamba, referring the VBS report to them.  

"The Integrity Commission will meet next week to consider the report and the cases of leaders and members implicated and/or accused of wrongdoing in the report," the statement said. 

Officials will also meet with members in Limpopo following serious allegations that came out in the report.

 of the ANC will also meet with the Officials of Limpopo, to discuss the response of the province to the serious allegations raised in the report.

The Party said the actions are in line with the restoration and enhancement of their values and integrity as they are determined to lead the process of renewal and unity within the party.

An independent report commissioned by the SA Reserve Bank to probe the collapse of the mutual bank found that there was "wide-scale looting and pillaging of the monies placed on deposit at VBS". 

The monies were clients' life savings and deposits, including millions of rands deposited by municipalities.

The report, titled "The Great Bank Heist" showed that at least 50 people "gratuitously" received R1.894 billion from the bank over a three-year period starting in March 2015. 

They included top management at the bank's major shareholder Vele Investments, its associates who cashed in more than R936 million. Others also included bank executives and Limpopo politicians.

- African News Agency