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ANC in the Eastern Cape to welcome Cope defectors

The ANC in the Eastern Cape says it will be welcoming a number of high profile members from COPE on Wednesday

According to a party notice, some of the defectors have served in key positions in the National Parliament.

The Herald reports that former ANC stalwart, Smuts Ngonyama, will be returning to the ruling party.

He's expected to bring several other Cope members along.

Meanwhile, several election events are set to take place in different parts of the country on Wednesday, with Gauteng in particular a hot bed of political activity.

Pretoria will see President Jacob Zuma speaking at the opening of the National Elections Results Operations Centre while in Johannesburg two panel discussions are expected to take place.

Elsewhere in Johannesburg, DA leader Helen Zille is expected to campaign in Johannesburg while Congress of the People president Mosiuoa Lekota will be briefing media on Cope members who defected to the ANC.

Meanwhile, the Independent Electoral Commission says South Africans living abroad have begun casting their votes in the 2014 elections.

IEC spokesperson, Kate Bapela, says voting got underway in New Zealand and Amsterdam on Tuesday night.

She says voting will continue at missions around the world.

Bapela says so far voting has gone off smoothly with voting stations opening on time.

The IEC says more than 26 400 South Africans abroad had registered to vote.