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ANC blames Parliament chaos on racist DA and fascist EFF

 Members of the police's public order policing unit stormed into the National Assembly chamber on Thursday night, causing a scuffle in which several punches were thrown.

The drama unfolded after Economic Freedom Fighters MP, Ngwanamakwetle Mashabela refused to leave the podium when she was ordered to do so by House chairman Cedrick Frolick.

Mashabela had called President Jacob Zuma a "thief" during a debate on the Grand Inga Hydro Project, and refused to withdraw her remarks.

As the policemen emerged from the chamber with a clearly shaken Mashabela, members of Parliament's protection services started scolding the officers.

The officers were told they had no jurisdiction over the National Assembly chamber.

Here is a full statement from the ANC, following Thursday's chaos in Parliament

"Yesterday, 13 November 2014, the nation watched with shock and horror as the National Assembly degenerated into a chaotic circus due to the unruly conduct of Members. Despite whatever short-term gains some parties may seem to think they are reaping now, the African National Congress is extremely worried about the more serious long term implications of our Parliament losing its integrity and respect currently afforded to it by society. The dangerous alliance of a racist DA and a fascist EFF driven by a common hatred and disdain for the ANC has once again displayed its contempt for our democratic institutions and we once again call upon Parliament to strictly enforce its rules to bring about stability, order and decorum to this important institution of our democracy.

On the business of the National Assembly yesterday, the African National Congress commends the diligent and hard work of the Ad Hoc Committee set up to consider the various reports into the security upgrades at President Zuma's private residence in Nkandla. The report of the Ad Hoc Committee is comprehensive and instructive on how to move forward in this matter including the recommendations made for the view of the National Key Point Act, the guidelines relating to the security of Presidents and Deputy Presidents as well as Former Presidents and Deputy Presidents and strengthening of Supply Chain Management processes related thereto. It has been regrettable that opposition parties chose to walk out of the Ad Hoc
Committee for purposes of political expediency and point scoring.

By so doing, they lost an important opportunity to add their voices to solving the problems concerning all of us and to play their role in guarding against the misuse of public funds. We trust both Cabinet and government will act on the recommendations and leave no stone unturned in bringing to book all those responsible for the escalation of costs in this project.

Issued by
Zizi Kodwa
National Spokesperson
African National Congress