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Advertising Board finds bracelet offensive

A bangle described as offensive is seemingly flying off the shelves with only a few left in stock by its supplier on Tuesday.

The item supplied by iMiX was initially advertised on Takealot but was soon removed after a complaint was laid with the Advertising Regulatory Board (ARB).

The ARB said the sale of the bracelet was not an issue but rather the use of the visual that shows a clearly legible expletive.

The Board said during the course of the investigation the advertisement was removed.

It said, however, as the Advertiser did not respond to the ARB it had to make a decision on the merits.

Clause 1.1 of Section 2 states that "No advertising may offend against good taste or decency or be offensive to public or sectoral values or sensitivities unless the advertising is reasonable and justifiable in an open and democratic society. Advertisements should contain nothing that is likely to cause widespread or sectoral offence."

The board said that given that Takealot is one of South Africa’s leading online shopping portals (if not the leader), there is a good chance that people from all walks of life, all backgrounds and all
ages could search for an item (“jewellery”, “bracelet”, “bangle”) and unintentionally be presented with this bangle.

The Directorate concludes that the promotion of this product is likely to cause offence and is in breach of Clause 1.1 of Section II.