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World's most offensive map

"17-year-old Martin Vargic has gone great lengths to really offend everyone (just kidding, Martin) by making a map that shows the most prevalent stereotypes in the world. 

Called the ‘Map of Stereotypes’, it features 1,800 highly-detailed stereotypes and pop culture references of different countries and regions. For instance, New Zealand is labeled as ‘Middle Earth’, Canada as ‘Maple Syrup’, and Japan as ‘Anime’.

The graphic designer from Slovakia spent three months researching TV tropes and online forums, as well as interviewing friends and family on the various national stereotypes they know.

‘I am sure there were people who took offence at the map and misunderstood its main purpose’, Vargic told BuzzFeed. ‘However, the online response was generally much more positive than I originally expected’."

Taken from lostateminor.com