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Woolworths Educational Programme 13 March

Mom’s from Port Elizabeth and surrounds will from March be able to participate in the very popular and informative Mom’s Store Tours.

I have been invited to attend, and I am really excited! Hope you can join. Here is a little more information about it :)

The tours are part of Woolworths Educational Programme for primary schools, which has been helping teachers and parents teach Grade 4 learners in some 2000 schools about nutrition, healthy living and caring for the environment for over eight years. As part of the Woolworths Good Business Journey, it is helping address a range of challenges that South African children experience, from increasing obesity in some, to persistent under-nutrition in others.

A typical tour starts with a short session on the food groups, taking participants through how much of each should be included in a balanced meal and the role they play in the body. This is followed by an hour-long store tour, where moms are shown suitable products. Food labelling is also explained, assisting parents to ensure that their children are receiving the correct nutrients at each meal. The tour rounds off with a Q&A session and tastings, while recipes are also made available.

Need a little help when it comes to picking the right foods for your child? Join our dietitian on a fun tour of our store. She’ll help you choose tasty and nutritious snacks, meals and lunch box ideas your kid will love. You can ask questions and do taste tests too.

Port Elizabeth - Greenacres
When: 13 March 2013
Where: Woolworths Greenacres
Time: 7:00 pm for 7:15 pm to 9:15 pm
To Book: Please contact Shamilla Collie on 087 353 9606
or via email shamilla@hotstuffmarketing.co.za should you have any queries.