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Strangest things sold on eBay

 eBay is a beautiful website because you can find virtually anything you could ever want on the website to buy off of other users. EBay paved the way for other websites such as amazon.com to form and build their own empires.

You would think that the first item ever sold on eBay must have been a magnificent item, something that someone really wanted. Well, allow me to remind you that eBay is a part of the internet - and there are a lot of weirdos that hangout on the internet.

The first item sold on eBay was a broken laser pointer, and it was sold for $14.83. The founder of eBay asked the buyer if he knew that the laser pointer was broken when he bought it. The owner simply responded “I’m a collector of broken laser pointers.”

This was taken off OMGfact.com... got me thinking about the strangest things sold on eBay - and they are weird! 

1. Ghost in a Jar. (Header Pic). This jar, which was found in an abandoned cemetery, was sold by the seller who found it so the ghost would stop haunting him! Selling Price -- $55,922...

2. Shooters Window. The actual window and frame allegedly used byLee Harvey Oswald, the accused shooter of late president John F. Kennedy. Reportedly the most valuable window in the world, this window sold on eBay for over 3 million dollars!

3. The entire town of Bridgetown,California, sold twice in three years on eBay. The asking price? $1,800,000. Ever dream of buying your own town? On eBay you can!

4. A Man's Life!! Ian Usher was so fed up with his life that he decided to sell it on eBay. He sold his car, his house, his job, and introduced the buyer to his friends!He pocketed just over $200,000 and got a fresh start!

5. A Corn Flake shaped like the state of Illinois. This one boggles my mind... This one Corn Flake sold for approximately $1350.00 . If Only I had paid attention to my Corn Flakes. Who knows how many "states" I've eatin!

6. Haunted Rubber Ducky. The picture speaks for itself. The owner claims his toddler became irate, almost "posessed".....(sound familiar?), and continuously threw this toy ducky accross the room.Fortunately for the seller he was able to sell it off to the next poor soul for over $100.00!

7. Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich. Don't eat that sandwich!! We can sell it on eBay! And they did, for $28,000.