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The Drive With Roland Gaspar

Small act of kindness goes viral


"Why is this photo going viral? Because there’s a beautiful heartwarming story behind it. While travelling on a crowded bus in Ontario, Canada, 22-year-old Godfrey Cuotto was asked by a man with special needs if he would hold his hand after feeling overwhelmed with all the commotion on the bus. 

At first Godfrey Cuotto thought he was being pranked but then realized that the man was serious and just needed a bit of comfort while travelling. So without hesitation Godfrey held onto Robert’s hand for the 30-minute ride.

A passenger on the bus snapped a pic of the heartwarming gesture and posted it onto Facebook, where it has garnered a massive 49,000 likes already.

Cuotto says: ‘Sometimes you just have to be selfless and put someone else’s needs above yours’."


From lostateminor.com