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Massive Meat Sandwich

"Angry Italian farmers made a gigantic sandwich stuffed with cured meat and sausages in a bid to stop alarmist concerns over the alleged link between processed meat and cancer.

The sandwich, which contained 100kg of meat, was their response to a study by the World Health Organisation (WHO), published on Monday, which said there was a link between processed meat and cancer.

Once completed, the hefty sandwich was a carnivore's dream, measuring over three metres long and weighing an impressive 150kg.

It was made using only the finest Italian ingredients, including a massive crusty cob of Altamura bread which was then filled with slices of artisanal ham, salami and sausage.

The sandwich was completed on Thursday morning Milan's food-themed Expo thanks to the Italian farmers' association, Coldiretti, which represented meat producers from across the bel paese.

"We support genuine Italian products and believe them to be the most healthy," a spokesperson for Coldiretti told The Local.

"In Italy we have lower rates of cancer and meat consumption than the countries considered by the WHO report. It's important consumers don't just assume all processed meat is bad – it's part of the Mediterranean diet which we know to be healthy.”

After being put together the sandwich was donated to the food bank at Expo and will help feed the needy"

Story from http://www.thelocal.it/20151029/italy-quells-processed-meat-fears-by-making-giant-sarnie