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Mars One Expedition

 A couple months ago I told you a story about how over 100 000 people had applied for a one way ticket to live on Mars. Well, the first group of people to have the chance of starting a new colony on Mars by 2023 have been selected.
Mars One picked 1,058 people to progress to the next round in its search for humans who want to be the first to live, and die, on the Red Planet.
The hopefuls, who are all over the age of 18, will be shortlisted into a final group of 40 before training starts in 2018.

By 2015, the selected candidates will start an eight-year training regime where they will learn to deal with long periods of isolation
The second round will include an interview with Mars One committee members, and candidates advancing to the third round will compete against one another.
The third round will include a series of challenges to prepare candidates for the potential mission and will be broadcast on television and online.
The group said it aims to have a human settlement on Mars within a decade.

For more details on this remarkable story: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2532567/Mars-One-project-selects-1-000-people-hoping-live-Red-Planet.html