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Kindest place in the world

Super interesting article found on the daily mail website:  

The kindest place on Earth? IRELAND: Report ranks countries by how much they offer the world - and Libya is at the bottom
Ireland topped the Good Country Index’s overall rankings and ranked highest for prosperity and equality

The UK was ranked highest for its science and technology contributions, which includes Nobel prizes and patents

Iceland topped the planet and climate list, making no hazardous waste exports, and Belgium was most cultural
Libya was the worst performing country in the index overall, behind Vietnam, Iraq and Azerbaijan

A total of 125 countries were ranked across seven categories using datasets from international agencies

I was so surprised that South Africa came in at number 44 - not bad out of 125 countries! 

Here are the top 10:

1 - Ireland
2 - Finland
3 - Switzerland
4 - Nehterlands
5 - New Zealand
6 - Sweden
7 - UK
8  - Norway
9 - Denmark
10 - Belgium