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Interesting read from New York

"New York City’s sanitation department has been hoarding your lost treasures for years

Deep within a huge warehouse owned by New York City’s Department of Sanitation is a very unusual collection of discarded objects from around the city.

All your childhood toys are represented here: Furbies of every colour, superhero action figures and collectable plastic PEZ lolly dispensers. Basically, if you grew up in the 1990s, you would have had some of this stuff. 

A special shrine dedicated to a large Michael Jackson photo, rocking his signature moves, complete with a Fender and other guitars fills one corner. There’s also sports memorabilia, tacky Christmas decorations, paintings, creepy old family portraits, and way too many car number plates.

Nelson Molina, an NYC Sanitation Department employee, built up the huge collection over a 30-year career, and the department has been looking after the vast personal museum of unloved treasures ever since his retirement. 

Tours are hard to arrange but not impossible. It makes you wonder what treasures you might have thrown away over the years and who might have them now."

From lostateminor.com 

Via Atlas Obscura


