Filled in for Lance today, and so interesting to learn more about Easter tradition from around the globe.
This information was taken from:
Bilby of Australia
It is said that Australians are the largest consumers of Easter eggs in the world, but as the Easter bunny is known to have a bad history of destroying the vegetable crops, the eggs are strangely provided by the Easter Bilby (an endangered species of Australia).
Palm Leaves – Ethiopia
“Ethiopian Easter festival – also known as Fassika – is a special holiday celebrated by a noble feast featuring a large loaf of sourdough bread called “Dabo”. Generosity plays a fundamental role of the Easter holiday in Ethiopia. Visitors are greeted with a slice of “Dabo” as a means of honoring the crucifixion of Christ.
Additionally, the Ethiopians wear white clothing exemplifying purity and display headbands created from palm leaves symbolizing the actual palm leaves during Jesus’ passage before crucifixion.
Easter in France – a strange tradition is that they use 12000 eggs for only one omelet on Easter Monday!!
Easter tree in Germany
A decorated tree with more than 9000 Easter eggs in Saalfeld, eastern Germany. Though this tradition could remind us of the pagan ideas of sacrificing animals on trees, the egg is connected to the ideas of rebirth and resurrection associated with Easter. Pretty cute!
Blood of Christ – Greece
The Greeks dye the Easter eggs all in one color: RED (as a symbol for Jesus’ blood). The eggs are used in making Easter bread.
Decorating wells in Switzerland
The Frankonian Swiss have an old Easter tradition of decorating wells in order to celebrate the gift of water: life. They decorate wells with beautifully painted eggs and spring flowers…