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Ice-Cream Recipe

 On the show this afternoon we were chatting about ice-cream, and the fact that it's NAtional Ice-Cream month over in the USA. 

I got an sms from a listener with the following ice-cream recipe which I am sharing with you as it sounds divine :) 

TKS FOR THE SHOW. TRY THIS ICE CREAM-5 EGG WITES (use yolks for scrambled) 500ml cream. You used to get small tins of condensed milk but I can't find them. I used about 1/2 tin condensed milk. Beat egg white till v'stiff. Beat cream till v'thick. Beat condensed milk into thick cream. Add 1/4 teas Vanilla. Fold or stir in egg white. Don't over mix at this stage. Freeze-wait for summer! U can add choc chip, or a flaky nuts cherries. I like it plain. I favour vanilla. Freeze left over condensed milk or use it in a mug of coffee!