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Gabriel has chicken pox :(

My youngest son Gabriel came out with one tiny little spot a week ago. It looked a bit like a boil, so I kept an eye on it. The Saturday he had a slight rash, which I thought was just heat... then Sunday he woke up covered head to toe. So chicken pox it was, but it got really bad overnight and come Monday morning, the spots were in his eyes, around his mouth and many of them almost looked like spots on spots. It was awful. Even Gabriel was asking me to take him to the docor, which of course we did. 

Our wonderful family doctor send us straight to St Georges, and the poor little guy was hooked up to a drip. He was sp brave, but was super frustrated, because he was in pain and couldn't move around. We spent the night there, and were sent home wtih anti-biotics, a special foam called PoxClin - which was incredible. So much easier to apply then calamine lotion. 

It's been a week now, and his poor body is only now starting to show major improvement. I didn't realise that the chicken pox vaccine is an optional extra, and that there wasn't any stock for around 2 years. So having gone through this with Gabriel, I would say it's def. a good idea to get the vaccine!