PE flying squad and K9 unit members conducted intelligence-led operations on Wednesday and during the early hours of Thursday morning, resulting in the arrest of several suspects as well as the confiscation of drugs, prescription tablets and a .22 rifle with ammunition.
Police say the members executed a search warrant on a plot in Colwyn Crescent in Chelsea in search of firearms and drugs.
On searching the premises, a .22 rifle with telescope and rounds of ammunition was found hidden in the bathroom.
Police also uprooted 29 dagga plants in the back yard while 8.8 kilogrammes of drying dagga was also seized.
Two suspects aged 38 and 53 were arrested.
And at around 11 pm the team also executed a search warrant at a house in Lawler Street in Shauderville.
A small amount of tik, dagga, 278 stilpane tablets, 36 tik bulbs, 58 vials, and 8 packets of cocaine (3g each) was seized.
Two suspects aged 25 and 32 were arrested.