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Amy Leigh kidnapping: Teacher to plead not guilty

The bail hearing of the three people accused of kidnapping 6-year-old Amy Leigh de Jager resumed in the Vanderbijlpark Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

A 27-year-old teacher Tharina Human who was a Grade RR teacher at Amy Leigh's school is accused of being the mastermind behind the kidnapping.

The 40-year-old Laetitia Nel and the 50-year-old Pieter van Zyl are her co-accused.

All three are being charged with kidnapping and extortion.

The accused did not call any witnesses as previously indicated, but rather each rested their case by handing in a written affidavit to the court.

Tharina Human (27) affidavit

Human told the court that she will plead not guilty to the charges against her.

She says she has no assets in the form of property but can afford a bail amount of R10 000 which was borrowed from family members.

Human says she was a Grade RR teacher prior to her arrest and was asked to resign shortly after being suspended.

She worked for the school for 8 months and earned a salary of R8 500 per month. Human matriculated in Vanderbijlpark and has no tertiary qualifications.

She has an 8-year-old daughter out of wedlock and is in the process of getting a divorce.

Leatitia Nel (40)

Nel has already given police a written confession which led to the arrests of Human and van Zyl. She was seen crying throughout Tuesday's court proceedings.

She told the court that she owned a plot valued at just over R1.2 million rand, and had a tenant who paid rent, which was her only source of income.

Nel also receives maintenance from her ex-husband for her two minor children, aged 10 and 14.

She did not disclose the maintenance amount in her affidavit as her children are now living with their father in Pretoria who will not be paying this amount anymore.

Nel also looks after her father who is wheelchair-bound and told the court that she could pay any reasonable bail amount.

Pieter van Zyl (50)

van Zyl says he owned a property which he recently sold and the transfer went through exactly one day after his arrest.

He told the court that he needed to be released on bail so that he can get his affairs in order.

He is married with one child and would be allowed to stay with his in-laws if released on bail.

Van Zyl has a 2005 conviction for theft.

He intends to plead not guilty and exercise his right to remain silent.

The court adjourned for a brief while for the State to prepare for argument.

A fourth suspect, a Lesotho national, was arrested last week and made a brief appearance in the same court.

The 24-year-old Bofokeng Molemohi was the man who allegedly snatched Amy-Leigh outside her school, before driving off in Nel's vehicle.

He will face the same charges and will only be back in court on Wednesday for the state to confirm his status in the country.

This story was written from live streaming footage of the bail hearing courtesy of NEWS24