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YOUR Outrageous Experiences

 In response to the story about ANC MP, Pamela Daniels who helped herself to a bag full of free food and drinks after a meeting recently, we asked - what outrageous experiences have you been through? 

And here are just some of the responses we received via sms:

- at our work function the employees stole the tent from the boet eramus stadium = can you believe that! plus some of our handbags with car keys and cellphones

- I was in clicks wen one of the workers used a deoderant off the the shelf & put it back, he just smiled at my shocked face

-  i did catering part time and one of the biggest clients was goverment! this behavior you mentioned in not an exception but more of a rule. i have seen directors of education doing the exact same! she was first in line. she did not come "prepared" but casually whilst dishing up, grab the spoon from my hands. she proceeded to open her handbag and placed no fewer than 10 fried pork chops in to her handbag. on a other function a member of staff of government dished up everything onto one plate including a sample of every pudding. this was a mountain of food!

- in joburg the people don't use shopping bags but their designer lv bags. they put the drumsticks in the bag without any plastic.

- we were at a promotional event. we had a braai. one lady was very helpful with braaing meat. when i had to dish up for directors there was no meat. Apparantly she packed a doggy bag for her. we had egg all over the faces and a vegetarian meal.

- gaan na enige funksie of sommer net o. p. rugby se prysuitdeling. kos word in baadjies se sakke geprop glo my. ek glad nie geskok dit al baie gesien.

- many years ago at an xmas work party my husband who loves salami decided that he would take a pile of salami, put it in his jacket pocket to eat later. needless to say he forgot what he had done, i couldn't understand why our dog was so interested in the cupboard, we found out at the following year xmas party when my husband put his jacket on and took out a pile of very dry salami!