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What makes the perfect man?

A new poll claims to reveal the perfect man: He's a 40-year-old, successful moderate drinking doctor who looks like Patrick Dempsey.

The survey was conducted by 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair and asked 1,168 adults nationwide about the qualities they believe are important in a mate.

Top of the list was education, with 35per cent ranking it a young man's most important priority as he matures. This is followed closely by becoming a hard worker and a gentleman, at 28 and 27per cent respectively. Only one per cent picked 'athlete' as a top priority.

When asked which which celebrity character they would be most likely to marry, almost a third said Patrick Dempsey's Dr. Derek 'McDreamy' Shephard of Grey's Anatomy. Jack Donaghy from 30 Rock netted 4per cent, while Mad Men's Don Draper and Robb Stark from Game of Thrones got 3per cent each.

Bad temper was the quality that people would most like to change, while almost half think that being drunk is an otherwise good man's worst flaw. The respondents also seem to think a man's relationship with his mother plays a key role: 69per cent say that she has 'a lot of control' with another 9per cent claiming 'total control'.

While a majority of people believe that a man’s success should measured by the age of 40, for 23per cent the deadline extends until the 'deathbed'.

But pickup lines never die. 'Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes' was deemed to be the most effective and 'You must be Jamaican, because Jamaican me crazy' the lamest.

source : daily mail