Do you know that scene in Back To The Future when Doc sets the DeLorean to a future date and off they go? Despite what you’ve seen on Facebook and Twitter or even by us, today is not that day.
A Photoshopped image of the future date from the film has been making the rounds online, indicating that characters such as Doc and Marty McFly travel via their time-machine car to June 27, 2012 from October 26, 1985.
But don’t be fooled. The actual date — as seen in the YouTube video below — shows that we haven’t approached “the future” just yet: It’s set for October 21, 2015.
The fake image, which was posted on the Facebook page of craft company Colour Me Fun on Wednesday morning, has already received more than 10,000 shares, nearly 1,000 Likes and 300 comments — many of which call out the post for having an inaccurate date. But it looks like the picture was first posted on the Facebook page of mobile checkout provider Simply Tap about an hour earlier, attracting only about 50 shares.
This is not the first time the Internet has been fooled by the same hoax. In 2010, a Photoshopped image with July 05, 2010 as the date of the future circulated the web.
In July 2010, film news site Total Film made a fake image for the clock on the iconic Back to the Future car, make it appear that July 5, 2012 was the date in the future that Marty and Doc traveled to in the second installment of the series. The correct date from the film is October 15, 2015.
According to Total Film, they made the image as a goof to cover their tracks after they tweeted about it incorrectly. They didn't realize that it would take off with a life of its own. I remember seeing the image passed around two years ago, and then being disappointed to discover it was fake.
Source: Mashable & Buzzfeed