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Things Celebrities like to name their kids

Not only are celebrity baby names usually weird—it turns out they also tend to follow some quirky trends. The Huffington Post took a random sample of 50 famous babies and found that their names fell into 10 categories:

Colors: The most popular category includes Blue Ivy Carter and at least four other babies with some version of that color in their name, plus at least three Violets.

Authors: The second most popular category includes some relatively mainstream names, like Dylan Douglas, but it also includes Tommy Lee Jones' daughter, whose middle name is … Kafka.

New York boroughs: While not nearly as popular as some of the other categories, this trend did give us Bronx Mowgli Wentz and Brooklyn Beckham.

Comic book characters: Arguably the weirdest category, this one includes Kal-el Coppola Cage and Harley Quinn Smith.

Here's an infographic thanks to the Huffington Post