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The Mark Sampson Saga, including email correspondence and feedback

Recently, the press, public and animal anti cruelty organisations across the country were up in arms as the news broke a story about comedian Mark Sampson and his alleged brutality against a neighbour's pet cat. Sampson insists that he acted in the interest of the animal itself in order to end its suffering after being brutally mauled by a dog. 

The original story is below, courtesy of Times Live:

Cape Town comedian Mark Sampson is expected to be charged with animal cruelty for allegedly chopping off the head of a cat, it was reported on Thursday.

The Cape Argus reported that Sampson apparently ended the cat's life in November because it was critically injured after being attacked by his dogs on his property.

"I am an animal lover and empathetic person. The cat was suffering greatly and it upset me very much. I took what I thought to be the most appropriate course of action," he told the newspaper.

Sampson said an operator at the National Council of Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA) unofficially advised him to put the cat down so it would not suffer.

However, the Cape of Good Hope SPCA CEO Allan Perrins denied Sampson's claim and said he would advise an inspector to come up with charges in terms of the Animal Protection Act.

The cat's owner and Sampson's neighbour, Jeannot Nelson, said she was waiting for the comedian to admit he was wrong.

"What he should have done is get the cat to a vet," she said.

When The Morning Show attempted to contact Jeannot Nelson for her side of the story, she was initially willing but later decided not to participate, below is her final email correspondence with the Morning Show: 


From: Jeannot Nelson [mailto:jeannot@telkomsa.net]
Sent: 15 May 2012 10:58 AM
To: Carol-Ann Kelleher
Cc: 'Allan Perrins - Cape of Good Hope SPCA(ceo@spca-ct.co.za)'
Subject: RE: me again!

If I go on live, it will start to give my side of the story which is that Mark has changed his story a dozen times and this is why we are pushing charges, He also refused to take the cat in to the clinic and refused for them to collect. They told him they would report him if he proceeded to do what he was asking advice to do.

If you are wanting to educate the public then Allan Perrins is the man.

If you are wanting me to blurt out the fact of the Sampson / Nelson cat case, then I am the lady, and I would rather save that for court.

Kind Regards,

Below are emails that were sent between Mark Sampson and Jeannot Nelson

 From: Jeannot Nelson <jeannot@telkomsa.net>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 10:47:58 +0200
To: Mark Sampson <mark@samp.co.za>
Subject: RE: Please help me find my angel

Dear Mark,

Just to say, thank you for you and your wife’s massive sensitivity last night. Not everyone would have been so. To some a cat is just a animal of a lower life form, so I really appreciate it.
I also really am torn at thinking that if she had been at Caryn, maybe she would be ‘in recovery’. It is the ‘what if’s’ that can’t be and aren’t that chance that is gone and is not reality. We have two resident vets in the area and these creatures are our children so we should have access to knock on doors in situations.
To put her sole to rest (and maybe mine) I wrote her a little ode (attached) and sent it out to all that I requisitioned to help look for her.

And then, lastly but not least, I want to pay respect for what you did and the decision you took as we have been faced ourselves with having to make decisions of this sort and they are not easy. They leave one feeling like . . . . let’s just say, not great. So then, we are both sore at it, but I am thankful for having known her. Read attached doc – special feline she was – coming to visit with her handbag and being eaten. What manners have these dogs? Uncultured to say the least! (no personal offense meant to your dogs) I know that in time the humor and life’s lessons will become apparent.

Joke e mail to follow re cats and dogs.

Much love to you and your wife and children.

Jeannot and boys.


From: Mark Sampson <mark@samp.co.za>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 13:02:12 +0200
To: Jeannot Nelson <jeannot@telkomsa.net>
Subject: Re: Please help me find my angel

Hi Jeannot,

Thank you for your kind and caring words.
I have been depressed and have sought help for inability to sleep.
I feel traumatized and still in shock but I know at least I was strong enough to do the right thing (as confirmed by the SPCA's phone calls the following day and by Karen)

Your son Mark just phoned and put me back into shock and upset, I am shaking with the trauma.
He swore and threatened me and my dogs.
He said -
"There will be fucking retribution for you and I will come and get your fucking dogs, there will be blood letting for this".

Sam is now also in tears and is devastated, he shouted and abused her too.
We understand his pain, but we explained that your cat came into our garden and our actions.
The poor animal was ripped apart from face and anus with fatal internal injuries (according to vet Karen when I described her condition)
It was 10-11pm at night and I phoned Kenilworth emergency (number on Karens machine) 3 times and spoke also to the SPCA twice.
I visited 5 neighboring properties including Gary, Peter, Doug the other Peter (you can ask them all)
By then the suffering was unbearable. The one thing I regret was not acting faster and wasting time letting her suffer while I tried to find her owner.

Perhaps I should have lied and told you the dogs finished her, maybe less traumatic imagery for you both.
But I was brought up by a Methodist preacher father who taught me the truth is the only way.

I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you can accept our deepest sympathy.
Please do not let your son visit or call again, this has been highly upsetting and now made considerably worse by his actions.

Thank you for understanding.
Sending you love and strength.
Mark and Sam.

From: Mark Sampson <mark@samp.co.za>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 13:36:05 +0200
To: Jeannot Nelson <jeannot@telkomsa.net>
Subject: Re: Please help me find my angel

Your son just phoned again and spoke aggressively to my wife, insisted I call back with vets' numbers, insinuating we didn't call any vets.
I have no intention of phoning him to be subjected to more abuse.

We first phoned Noordhoek vet office then emergency cell number on that message.
Spoke to the vet who was in Kenilworth.
We then phoned Karen, she wasn't in and the emergency number on that message was the same
Then SPCA. Then Kenilworth again then SPCA phoned me.
I then phoned back and spoke to a lady vet at the Kenilworth number.
The SPCA person said she was not allowed to tell me to end the animals life but said it is what she would do.
Karen also said I did the right thing when she called me back.
