South Africans on average spend more time watching porn online than anyone else - and the Eastern Cape tops the list.
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According to, one of the biggest porn sites in the world, it has an estimated 35million daily users worldwide, of whom 91000 are South African.
It reports that South Africans spend an average of 10 minutes and 35 seconds per visit on its website, one minute and 39 seconds more than the global average. In that time they view 7.5 pages.
Porn lovers in Northern Cape spend the least time browsing, nine minutes and 29 seconds, whereas those in Eastern Cape spend the most, 10 minutes and 39 seconds.
Pornhub made the study as part of broader research into global porn trends.
It found that South Africans type the word "Indian" into their search bar more than any other word.
This is followed by the term "MILF" (mother I'd love to f**k), and "Lisa Ann", a popular actress who played US politician Sarah Palin in the porn spoof Who's Nailin Paylin.
David Collins, owner of Sharp Addiction Centre, said: "Watching porn is not necessarily a bad thing so long as it is done in moderation and remains fun. It becomes a problem when the fun stops but the behaviour continues."
University student Mbali* agreed.
"I probably watch porn about three or four times a week, but that depends on whether I'm having sex regularly or not.
"I also watch much more when I'm bored during the holidays," she said.
The report said: "It would seem that South Africa more or less follows worldwide trends with regard to activity."
The busiest day for porn is a Tuesday, whereas the least activity is on Sundays. Most of the site's South African traffic is between 10pm and midnight and ebbs to its lowest between 3am and 5am.
The study touched on the death of former president Nelson Mandela. It found that local viewership fell by 22% during the four hours that the global icon's funeral was televised.
But the period of mourning was short-lived - traffic rebounded by 34% after 10pm that day.
Collins warned that viewers of porn should be careful.
"Porn can become an addiction if one has an unhealthy attitude towards sex. or has unresolved issues of guilt, trauma and shame," he said.
*Not her real name