Kim Jong-Il "coached" the 2010 Korean World Cup soccer team with an invisible phone.
In 2004, Kim Jong-Il claimed to have invented the hamburger.
Kim Jong-nam, the oldest son of Kim John-Il, was originally going to replace his father but lost his chance after a "botched attempt" to visit Japan's Disneyland.
Kim Jong-Il was actually born in Siberia.
Kim Jong-Il once attempted to ship all the short people out of North Korea.
Kim Jong-Il's father, Kim Il-sung, is technically still in charge of North Korea.
Kim Jong-Il does not have an officially recognized date of birth.
In 1978, Kim Jong-Il kidnapped director Shin Sang-ok and forced him to make a "socialist Godzilla" film.
There is a flower, Kimjongilia, named after him.
Kim Jong-Il has over 50 unique titles.
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