Convicted fraudster Schabir Shaik said on Monday that former national police commissioner Jackie Selebi "is a walking, talking time bomb".
Shaik was responding to reports that Selebi — who was released from prison on medical parole in July 2012 — was spotted at a shopping centre in Pretoria at the weekend.
"[Selebi] is a walking, talking time bomb. If the media is questioning [why Selebi is still alive], they should rather scrutinise the medical diagnosis," Shaik said, according to The Witness newspaper.
Selebi was said to be undergoing dialysis for end-stage renal disease.
"I am not condoning what crime he committed, but I don't believe he is in cahoots with medical professionals. They are not going to put their careers on the line for him," Shaik told the newspaper.
Shaik was released on medical parole in March 2009.
He said he had been diagnosed with "uncontrolled refractory hypertension".
"I may be mobile, but it is a silent killer. I could be anywhere such as playing golf or driving and it could strike. Therefore, in Selebi's case, look at the medical review to get a balanced view. If you [the media] want to look into this matter further, ask for his medical reports," Shaik told The Witness.
Earlier on Monday, the Department of Correctional Services said that Selebi was not in violation of his parole conditions when he was spotted shopping. -