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Roand Williams Reports back to Ratepayers


From: Margi Deetlefs [mailto:mDeetlefs@aspenpharma.com]
Sent: 27 February 2014 03:15 PM
To: Tracey Gravett
Subject: Traffic Fine

Hi Tracey

Thanks for taking the time to listening to me this afternoon.

Attached is a fine that I received from the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality for an offence that occurred on the 29.10.2012. Also attached is proof of my attendance at the place where I am employed in East London.

I first received this fine in March 2013 and Billy phoned and spoke to someone there and told him that we live and work in East London and that we were not in PE on that day. This person told us to email it to him and that he would sort it out. I emailed it and have had no response to date.

I then received another notice of this fine in June 2013.
I personally then phoned Nelson Mandela Municipality on the 11.06.2013 and spoke to a guy named Ned and told him that we were definitely not in PE that day. He promised to go and have a look at the photo to verify the number plate and said that he would come back to me within an hour. He first asked that I should come in and have a look to verify that it was not my car which was totally impossible as I was at work in East London. Nothing happened that day and I am still waiting for this gentleman to phone me back.

I phoned again on the 12.06.2013 – the telephones were not answered that day

I phoned again on the 13.06.2013 – telephones were not answered that day and then I phoned this Ned gentleman on his cell number which he gave me and was told by him that there was nothing that he could do as they were all on strike and that he would attend to it when he got back to work. I believed him.

Then just yesterday I received another notification of this fine in the post. I have tried for two days now to get through to the Nelson Mandela Municipality but to no avail – the phones just do not get answered and when you select 1 as per the instructions on the voice mail you get a message saying that this extension is unavailable.

Hence my mail to you to get Radio Algoa involved as I would like to know who else has received fines for reasons and dates unknown to them. Is this how Nelson Mandela Municipality making money from innocent people who will just pay so as to avoid the consequences. Well I am not and I am sure you would not either.

Sorry, my cell number is 0832848947
Margi Deetlefs

>>> Hamilton Totoyi 12-03-2014 2:02 PM >>>
Hi Carol; I spoke to this women personally and the summons matter was handled by both mr Mzaidume and Beja. As we speak today 12 March 2014 that matter is finalized and closed.

From: Rochelle Hendricks <Rochelle.Hendricks@PTBatteries.co.za>
Date: Tuesday 04 March 2014 10:58 AM
To: Info <Info@algoafm.co.za>
Subject: FW: Re: Water supply problems in Booysen Park area.

Good day

As a Booysen Park resident for the past 18 years I would like to know why we never have any water supply as from around 7 am every single day? We are at the top section of Booysen Park and the problem seems to affect only us as the lower part has a supply. We, as working people, can never do washing on a Saturday morning as there is never any water. Whatever you have to do has to be done using the supply from your geyser. On a Sunday morning you can forget about having a bath or shower after seven in the morning as there just is not any supply. As from around half past twelve the water starts coming through the taps again. Is it a valve pressure problem or are contractors deliberately turning our water off and switching it back on after they have done their daily work? This has been going on for the last 5 years or more already and nobody seems to know what the cause of the problem is. Has it got anything to do with the RDP houses that has been build there the last couple of years? Can it be that the reservoir supplying the area does not have the capacity to cover everybody’s usage? As a paying customer I think it is unfair towards us as the communal taps in the RDP sections runs all day without any supervision.

>>> Dave Turner 3/5/2014 2:04 PM >>>
Dear Roland

The Water Division has attended to the odd complaint of no water in this area during the last few months but certainly not to the extent described by the complainant.

Our Staff have been working in the area during recent weeks in an attempt to improve the situation and have found one or two closed or partially closed isolating valves which we suspect to be the cause of this problem.

The area was inspected again yesterday and this morning and the water supply seems to be normal. We will continue to monitor the situation and take the necessary action where required.

The complainant did not provide an address and we therefore assume their problem has also been solved. If not, they should contact the Water Division directly on 041 994 1116


For information:

There has been major construction activity in the area during recent years and frequent shutdowns to connect new and repair damaged water pipes has been necessary. These shutdowns have been unavoidable and most certainly not deliberate.

Another thing bothering me is the street lights in the RDP sections burning all day. Does it not get switched off like our street lights early in the morning? Coming down Standford Road towards Booysen Park from the Jacksonville area you can see these lights burning right through the day. This has also been going on for quite a few years now. Please people we need to start saving electricity or face load shedding again. We are already being penalised for using too much electricity during the month which is prepaid because 300Kw just is not enough for a household of four people. Are we paying for the people that receives the free units a month?
Please can somebody just shed some light on these problems.

We are aware of the situation with regard to the Post Top lights burning during the day, unfortunately the light sensitive switches (day/night switch) installed on these lights are extremely sensitive and in overcast conditions, operate and switch the post top light on. However, we do undertake regular checks (normally on a clear sunny day) to ensure that where we have defective switches, they are replaced.

From: "Cisciro Jonathan" <cisciro.jonathan@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 18:35:45
To: Algoa Fm<live@algoafm.co.za>
Reply-To: cisciro.jonathan@gmail.com
Cc: Municipality<communications@mandelametro.gov.za>; Municipality<kbaron@mandelametro.gov.za>
Subject: Underground Water leak

Good day

On 31 January 2014 I reported an underground water leak in Frankolin Drive, Mountain View, Uitenhage to the Nelson Mandela Bay Service Delivery Call Centre via email.

Within an our after I reported the leak Mandisi phoned me to obtain more details and furnished me with a reference number (474875).

A week went by and nobody attended to the leak. I again made contact with the call centre and I was informed that my complaint were handed over to the Depot (Uitenhage)

I contacted the call centre once a week and every time I got a different excuse.

Yesterday I phoned the call centre and I was promised that the complaint will be escalated and a call centre supervisor will make contact with me. Unfortunately nobody made contact with me whatsoever.

Today 6 March more then a month after my initial complaint I contacted the call centre again and demanded an answer. I was then transfered to Lee-anne and I explained my whole story all over. Lee-anne contacted the Uitenhage Depot whilst I was still holding the line. Lee-anne informed me that she was going to be honest with me.

Lee-anne informed me that the Uitenhage Depot DOESN'T HAVE THE MATERIAL for certain job and she suggested that I can purchase the material and the Municipality will cover the labour. I just laughed.

I asked Lee-anne to confirm what she informed me via email. She promised to do so. 10 minutes went by and I haven't received the email which I was promised. I phoned the call centre again and spoke to Thabo who informed me that Lee-anne is not available. He also promised to forward the email, but still I don't have any confirmation.

I would like to know if this is acceptable and what more do I need to do?



Dear Colleagues

Kindly note that I have been in correspondence with the Superintendant, Thursday, 6th March 2014.

The statement below is false:" Lee-anne informed me that the Uitenhage Depot DOESN'T HAVE THE MATERIAL for certain job and she suggested that I can purchase the material and the Municipality will cover the labour. I just laughed".
It has been communicated with the complainant that we (NMBM) are currently experiencing logistical issues. The complainant wanted to know how other leaks are being repaired, to which I responded (as per official from Cuyler Depot) that some consumers volunteer purchase their own materials as an act of desperation just to have the leaks fixed. I would like to extend my humble apologies for this. At no point had I requested the consumer to purchase any material.

Remedial Action:

I have again, after liaising numerous times with Mr Jonathan on Friday, 7th March 2014, spoken to Supt. Mr Romeo Human to please contact the consumer as I have exhausted all options. At 16:02 pm, Friday, Romeo Human called me and advised me that he would personally go to the consumer's residence to explain the situation to him.

Mr Human later the evening called me on my mobile to confirm he had been there and explained to him what the current challenges are and will be attended to soonest.

The complainant, Mr Jonathan called me this morning to thank me for going the extra mile to get someone to explain to him in person.

Hope this information suffice.

Kind regards.
