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Plus sized women show off bikini bods

This week women from across the world, who label themselves as "big girls", took to social media by posting pictures in bathing suits with the hashtag #Fatkini.

#Fatkini, which has received mixed reactions on Twitter, encourages women to show off their real bodies in bikinis and shed body image woes instead of weight.

The hashtag was started by American plus-size blogger Gabi Gregg, who goes by the Twitter handle, @GabiFresh.

She designs a line of bathing costumes for voluptuous women.

However, some not so supportive members of the public have also taken social to media to slam the #Fatkini movement by sending messages of discouragement to women taking part.

Some in particular even go as far as to say the #Fatkini hashtag glorifies obesity and looks down upon people who are health conscious or skinny.

But most participants appear unfazed, posting more images of themselves "appreciating", "loving" and "embracing" their body image.

With summer fast approaching and many heading to the gym to shed some winter weight, many plus-size women face tremendous pressure to conform.

But as South Africa celebrates Women's Month, the #Fatkini is a tribute to those who've shed the stereotype instead of the pounds and embrace being larger than life.