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Pippie smiles with new teeth

Burn victim Pippie Kruger has received a new set of teeth and spectacles.

“Now Pippie can smile with a mouth full of teeth and hopefully the glasses will strengthen her eye so that she won’t need an operation later,” said her mother, Anice Kruger, in Beeld.

Pippie sustained serious burns when a gel firelighter exploded in her father’s hands on New Year’s Even 2011.

A muscle in her left eye collapsed and due to the pain during the incident, she gnawed off most of her bottom teeth.

But the new teeth, which are inserted like a mouth guard, need some getting used to and the spectacles are giving her headaches.

Pippie made headlines last year when she underwent a groundbreaking skin transplant procedure.

Pippie and her mother are currently living in Johannesburg to be close to doctors and physiotherapists, while her husband and son stay on their farm in Lephalale.

- News24