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New Angry Birds .... Are you Excited? (Plus trailer video)

Admit it: You're burned out on Angry Birds. You've long since finished the first game and its sequels--Seasons and Rio--both of which were just variations on the same old theme.

But on March 22, things promise to get a little more interesting. That's the--sorry--launch date for Angry Birds Space, Rovio's first official Birds game since Rio debuted a year ago (to the day, as it happens).

Although there's not much to be gleaned from the teaser trailer (below), the presence of "Space" in the title suggests that you'll be flinging with some new physics models.

According to Yahoo's Plugged In blog, "you'll be lobbing birds on entirely new planets while contending with zero gravity, leading to new gameplay elements like slow-motion puzzles and 'lightspeed' destruction."

Yahoo also reports that NASA and National Geographic have signed on as launch partners for the new game, though no specifics have been announced.

Angry Birds Space will debut not only on mobile platforms, but also "retail and animation channels".

In other words, if you've been suffering from Angry Birds overload, your condition is about to get worse.

What do you think? Are you excited about the prospect of Angry Birds conquering the final frontier?

Courtesy of CNET.com