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Listener experiences with 10111... Share yours!

Today, The Morning Show spoke about the 10111 saga and asked what your experiences have been, good and bad. Sadly, most experiences were bad. 

Below are just a handful of sms's that came in about it. And we want to know more! 

- my mom in law called in to 10111 after being mugged at gunpoint she was crying. the operater told her to stop crying or else she would not help. the operater proceeded to cut the call anon

- maybe its da severity of the crime that determines the response.we had a break in on friday night at a house in our complex and within 10 minutes we had 6 police vehicles and the dog unit on the scene!

- response in plet on the 10111-line is something other towns and cities can only dream of. the police before the crime! lol! the same excellent service is provided bx knysna aaulance services! go boys! roxy plet.

- my brother is a policeman. they were asked to respond to a 10111. they drove around for hours, looking for an area called 'ooghoogte'. turns out, the guy who was robbed explained that his house's number wasn't very visible, but eye-level when standing outside.

- 10111 service, i phoned when o saw 2 robbers in my backyard - the operator said sorry her shift just ended, could i phone 5 min later.karin

- In my experience they send people for training but when it gets down to doing the job, they cannot do it...i agree, sit daai retired compassionate tannie with telephone etiquette in those positions...

- the uitenhage sap are fantastic. they have responded on two occasions, in the past 3 years, within 7 or 8minutes. they really are great and i appreciate them, however it all depends on who responds to your call at the 10111 desk....kay

- i'm an ex police employee and i have a lot of respect for loyal police officers, but i'll rather press my panic button or phone adt than@10111!!! anonymus

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