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Gupta guests 'snub black staff'

People attending the Gupta wedding have allegedly asked Sun International to ensure only white people serve them, said the Congress of South African Trade Unions in the North West on Thursday.

Cosatu said wedding guests at Sun City asked for their rooms to be cleaned by white people and for white chauffeurs to drive them around.

Cosatu added that guests were being guarded by police.

North West Secretary Solly Phetoe said: "The Gupta people have made a public statement in Sun International that they don't want to be served by African blacks. They want them [the hotel rooms] to be cleaned by white people. As Cosatu, we see that as racial attitude."

Cosatu said that if the claims were proven, it would go on strike and ensure the wedding did not proceed.

Meanwhile, Sun City was adamant that it did not discriminate against workers on the basis of race.

Sun City General Manager Richard Hawkins said the allegations were unfounded.

"We pride ourselves in offering opportunities to everybody in our community," he said.

source : iafrica