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Jeff Moloi
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Jeff Moloi

Emma Watson dyes her dog pink.....is this the most barking craze ever!

Tucked away in a fashionably shabby corner of East London, moments from the famous Columbia Road Flower Market, Groom Dog City looks — from the outside — like your average unassuming dog groomer’s.

Anyone opening the glass door is greeted by a chorus of woofs and howls from dogs of all shapes and sizes — from little pugs to a drooling British bulldog.

But look closer and there’s something rather peculiar about a few of those pooches.

As Ralph the poodle spins around, there’s a flash of colour: his tail is bright green.

Casper, a very vocal bichon frise, has a midnight-blue Mohican running down the middle of his head, while fluffy four-year-old Molly, also a bichon, is shocking-pink from head to tail.

Welcome to the newest canine trend to hit the UK: the doggy dye.

Last week Harry Potter actress Emma Watson made headlines when she was spotted leaving this salon with a one-year-old Maltese terrier called Darcy — thought to be her flatmate’s dog — after the pup had been dyed fuchsia.

Not surprisingly, the photos sparked fierce debate among dog lovers, many of whom are highly critical of the practice.

The salon has even had abusive emails, branding it cruel.

Some vets have expressed concerns that even if the dye is completely safe, this process alters the way the dog looks and smells to other animals — and that could affect how they interact.

Dr Roger Mugford, a leading animal behaviourist, says: ‘Dogs are intensely visual creatures, and I have no doubt they would be aware of a major colour change, particular green and blue hues which their eyes pick up more.

‘It would likely affect the way other dogs interact with them, too — we know that dogs even interact with other breeds differently due to physical appearance, such as bulldog breeds with their squashed noses.

‘In my opinion, it is a step too far. We should let dogs just be dogs.’