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DMB Mailbox: Incredible Photos from Lloyd Edwards and More Info on Seismic Surveys

DMB Mailbox from our in-studio guest on Wednesday 11 December, Lloyd Edwards who was chatting about the underwater seismic surveys to be undertaken off our coast.


They did not have the right info on when the humpback migration ended. They were told by the marine biologist they hired it was end November when in fact it is in the first week of January, so very bad news for the whales and especially their calves.

Although they have marine observers on board they cannot see whales and other marine animals at night, more bad news.

They admitted that they only gave us 10 days notice of the survey when the Environmental Management Program clearly states that they need to give AT LEAST 30 days notice. We could have mobilised more support.

The reason they moved the survey forward was because the vessels were available 3 months earlier that they should have been, hence they got a better deal if they used them in December. This equates saving money at the possible expense of the whales.


By law they have to stop the firing of the guns if any whales or dolphins are spotted in the area and wait until they leave the area.

They have split the survey into two parts. The furthest from shore part where there is likely to be less whales will be done during December while the part closer to shore will only be done in January when the whales have already passed. This was probably done in direct response to your taking up the issue, thank you for this.

I have attached a few of my latest photos. The real beat is the one I took on the day we had the news of the passing away of Nelson Mandela, right in front of the stadium that bears his name, what a coincidence!

Just by the way I have attached a copy of my new calendar for 2014 which will be sold at Fogarty's Bookshop in Walmer Park if anyone would like to buy one. Proceeds go towards penguin research.