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Carol-ann here....a personal blog about dogs,the AWS and some pics of dogs that need adopting!.....

My blogging is going to the dogs!

I confess I am an animal lover ,in fact there are times when I do believe I love my dog more than some people. Now, this week, on the morning show, we’ve been chatting about Oscar, the world’s most famous pavement special, a dog who was saved from being euthanized by his owner Joanne Lefson.

The good news is that both Joanne and Oscar, will be joining us on the show on Monday the 7th of May. Please come and say hi and meet Oscar if you can, he is adorable! (we will be at the Donkin memorial between 5 and 9 am)

Why is he coming? This visit to PE is all part of his Pedigree Adoption tour. Yes Oscar is a hard working dog and rarely gets the chance to ‘pawty’ as he spends most of his time travelling around the world , encouraging people to adopt rather than buy pets and of course to encourage the importance of sterilization in an already overpopulated dog world!

So, with all of this happening I decided to actually do something on my ‘get off your arse and try and make a difference list.’ Last week I visited the Animal Welfare Society and became a volunteer! Okay, I haven’t actually done anything yet but it’s a start!

Me with Dr Jeane, the energy , brains and passion behind AWS , and of course St Francis of Assisi, the Patron saint of animals .

Seriously though, it is heartbreaking to see all those dogs behind cages. All they want is some love and affection. So, if you are reading this and you want to get a dog, please adopt one. In all honesty, I bought the dog that I have BUT if I knew what I know now I would have adopted. Below are some of the pics that I took on my visit.

They are all so happy when you come to their cages.....it makes you want to take them all home!

We live and learn. (am thinking of adopting one but got to convince my man first!)

Take care all
