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Can you guess South African kid's favourite swear word?

We asked SA’s parents to shed some light on what happens in the home; the results have been intriguing and sometimes hilarious.


We asked:

How often does your child swear?

You answered: 82% said “never”, but 16% said “occasionally”. Only 1% said “often”.

Would you like to know which words they choose when they, uh, “stand on a piece of Lego”?

A round of applause for fuck which earned a massive 32% of the votes (out of the 17% of kids whose parents said they swear). This was followed by shit at 18%. Only 3% said their kids use the word poes.

According to the results, kids in Gauteng swear the most. They must be the ones leaving all their Lego on the floor and then standing on it by accident, right? We're fairly sure 100% of parents swear when the little blocks sink into the fleshy part of your foot.

Some kids never swear and some parents don’t mind if their children swear. Swearing in the home isn’t necessarily a problem but when a child swears in an environment such as the classroom it can become a problem.

Parents don’t always realise that kids are listening to them. When you get annoyed with another driver in the traffic, you might forget that your kid is strapped in behind you and let loose a volley of blue words.

Even if you make an effort not to swear in front of your kids it’s impossible to shield them from hearing swearwords. They’ll hear them on the streets, in the playground and in songs or TV shows.

If you’re a parent who enjoys a bit of a vloek, you may need to chat to your kids about the context of swearing: there’s swearing in conversation and then swearing as a form of abuse. The latter could see a child getting into trouble with the school.

Although this wasn’t a question asked in the survey, we all know that the place your child is likely to swear for the first time would probably rank:

1. In church
2. In front of an elderly relative
3. The checkout queue in the supermarket.

So many nursery rhymes involve the word “duck”, and that’s not an easy word for a little one to say…

Click here to see the full results of the 2014 Parent24 Kids Nation Survey.