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ANN7 presenter lashes out at haters

Johannesburg - Model and ANN7 TV presenter Sheena Deepnarain has lashed out at critics for the harsh criticism South Africa's third 24-hour news channel has received since its launch last week.

Shortly after the news channel from Infinity Media launched, with the powerful and politically connected Gupta family and President Jacob Zuma’s son Duduzane Zuma as investors, it’s been plagued by cringeworthy on-air mistakes.

Clips from the news channel's live bloopers have been popping up all over YouTube as viewers caught the shocking moments on video.

However all the ANN7 clips have since been removed due to copyright claims by Aiplex Software Pvt Ldt. Aiplex Software Pvt Ldt is a company based in India contracted by the MPAA to deliver copyright notices to websites that they deem violate copyright laws.

According to Deepnarain, producer and presenter of the ANN7 show HashTag, she is grateful for the opportunity she has been given by the news channel.

This is an unedited version of Deepnarain’s response that she posted on Facebook:

"With all the cynicism going around #ANN7 at this point I’ve decided to add my bit, read it, don’t read it, take from it or don’t I just needed to get it out there.

For the record I am proud to be apart of ANN7 – Channel 405DSTV.

Having worked in the industry for just over a decade, my industry friends and I know how difficult the road has been, not because thereisn’t talent out there but because the opportunities are few and far apart.

There was a need for someone or some company to take that chance and invest in the youth of the media and entertainment industry and that was ANN7.

And for that I am grateful to ANN7 and admire ANN7.

Let me explain…

Take a bunch of graduates from a graduate class at an artsand culture college for example in South Africa.

Say 20 graduated, how many are actually working in the industry that they planned to work in? In entertainment, probably 2 -5 out of 20, because in this industry, there are not enough opportunities, and with the cost of living out there, hustling isn’t an option for many, we need some sort of stable income.

A lot of people who invest years of going to auditions, studying drama, journalism etc. turn to other careers, not because they want to but because they sadly have to.

ANN7 believed in the youth and went on a massive recruitment campaign to hire graduates within the industry and invest in them and provide them with a much-needed platform. They were the ones who took this chance andare also getting the negative that goes with it, but still they stand by our careers and us.

Whilst there is a vast number of errors and mistakes, South Africa is really watching ANN7 revolutionize an industry that needed it,mistakes and all.

In a few years down the line, when the channel has overcome this negative road and is successful, which I do believe it will be, the people who stood by it would stand by the saying “Stand for something, or fall for anything.” And I stand for ANN7 along with the rest of the hardworking team of ANN7.

At ANN7 we value valid critics.

But like a lot of what is going on, is that people are making fun of News Anchors, Presenters etc., who were brave enough to put their heads on the line and pave the path for others to follow down the line and this saddens me.

Even though you spend years studying, theory for me in this industry probably gets you to complete 20% of the job, the rest (80%) is achieved by practicality. Most aren’t exposed to practicality and now that they are given the opportunity the country sits back and laughs when really these young people should be encouraged as they will only improve with practice as it comes by being provided with this opportunity.

With all that said, say what you want now about ANN7,comment, hate but ANN7 is the start of great things to come…."