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A fair wage for a domestic worker?

A fair wage for a domestic worker?  
If you have someone who comes in to clean once a week, for roughly 8 hours, how much should you be paying them?
At the end of 2011, the Department of Labour set a new prescribed minimum of R9.85 per hour for domestics who work for less than 27 hours per week. In other words, it’s a grand total of just R78,80 per day.

Now, I realise that this is the absolute lowest rate and should only be seen as a guideline figure for employees, but, after chatting to a colleague who willingly shells out almost triple the above, I was wondering...

What amount - in your opinion - is reasonable and fair and just to pay someone who looks after your home (cleaning, ironing and etc.) on, say, a Monday, from 9am to 5pm?

I pay/ would pay a domestic worker for the day:
  By: Meagan Karstens

R80 – R100.
R100 – 150.
R150 – R200.
Less than R80.
More than R200.