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6 Crazy celeb apperance fees

Another reminder that you're not a celebrity: You don't get paid $8 million to switch on your Christmas lights. But that is how much Rihanna is reportedly getting paid to do just that at a London mall this holiday season. To be fair, she's giving a concert, too. Celebuzz rounds up 13 more celebrity appearance fees:

Beyoncé snagged $2 million to perform at a private St. Barts party on New Year's Eve.
Meanwhile, hubby Jay-Z got just $1 million to appear in Las Vegas for a New Year's Eve party.

Rutgers paid Snooki $30,000 to do a Q&A session—more than Toni Morrison got to speak there.
If, for some reason, you want Paris Hilton to come to your event, you'll have to pay $100,000.
To hear four songs from Mariah Carey, pony up $250,000.
Christina Aguilera got paid a cool million to appear at a private Halloween party for an hour.