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Algoa FM TOP 30 with Kea Zawadi
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Charlton Tobias
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Algoa FM TOP 30 with Kea Zawadi


WILDTRUST, registered as the Wildlands Conservation Trust is a South African Non-Profit, Non-Government and Public Welfare Organisation, established in 2004 through the merger of two regional Trusts.

It pursues the realisation of its vision of “A thriving and resilient world” through two core programmes: WILDLANDS and WILDOCEANS. The WILDLANDS’ programme focuses on terrestrial conservation and underwriting the sustainable development of the green economy, and the WILDOCEANS programme focuses on marine and coastal conservation and underwriting the sustainable development of the blue economy. The WILDTRUST’s vision is achieved through working at the interface between environmental sustainability and human wellbeing to improve the livelihoods of communities and restore the ecosystems that support them. The work of the WILDTRUST encourages the employment and upskilling of the youth and the empowerment of communities to deliver a sustained and improved environmental outcome and impact.

 Our Current Projects include:  The Marine Protected Area (MPA) Expansion Project

Marine Protected Area Expansion Project aims to build support amongst public and ocean stakeholders for MPAs by creating awareness of their value for the provision of ecosystem services, ocean risk mitigation, food security, ecotourism, moderation of climate change, and improving resilience to impacts of other global stressors. Underwriting the MPA Expansion Project is a social media advocacy and awareness campaign called “Ocean iMPAct” which hopes to help advance the protection of the oceans around South Africa within MPAs  – 10% by 2020 and 30% strongly protected by 2030.

African Youth Summit: Our Africa, Our Ocean, Our Future

This year the Youth4MPAs & WILDTRUST, we are hosting a first-ever virtual African Youth Summit (19 & 20 August 2021) aimed at fostering ownership and stewardship of the global 30x30 MPA agenda among African Youth. This will build their capacity to speak out and drive the 30x30 message, not only within their circles but also at international conference’s and to their local governments and authorities. The summit will be unique to Africa and ensure that it is inclusive and allows for cross-collaboration across sectors, both formal and traditional so that no one is left behind.

We would love to promote our African Youth Summit & encourage youth to register to attend and support the youth network. Find out more right here and follow us on Facebook!     

Contact person and their/Cell/Landline :

Telephone no.: 033 343 6380

Fax: 033 343 1976

Email: info@wildtrust.co.za

Physical Address:

Second Floor, Block A, Townbush Office Park, 460 Townbush Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201

Banking details for those who may wish to donate :


Name: Wildlands Conservation Trust

Bank: Investec Private Bank

Branch: Grayston Drive

Branch Code: 580105

Account #: 1001 101 4125

- Reference: Algoa Cares