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Unity in Africa

Under the Unity in Africa banner, iGEMS, an education-to-employment initiative, is a 4 phase model which aims to create employable engineers, a programme that speaks directly to industry. We give youth the opportunity to enhance their education and transition through an internship year and onto tertiary education with guaranteed employment once they graduate.

Phase 1 (Grade 11 & 12)

Learners are selected after a rigorous recruitment process based on their ability, aptitude, desire and interest in engineering. In Grade 11 & 12, learners receive weekly tuition in personal leadership development, computer literacy as well as maths & science.

During school holidays, further interventions for further exposure to engineering are held, such as site visits, workshops, as well as career mapping.

Phase 2: (Year of Work)

After completing matric, our iGEMS candidates are employed at one of our member companies for a year of work, where they are mentored and exposed to their first real-life working experience. In this phase, students receive support through monthly bridging classes in maths and science to ensure the smooth transition to tertiary education as well as leadership. We assist students by facilitating university/college applications as well as sourcing bursaries/scholarships.

Phase 3: (Tertiary Studies)

During phase 3, students enrol in an engineering qualification at a tertiary institution of their choice. A peer buddy system matches our students in various years for academic and social advice.

Phase 4: (Employment)

In phase 4, graduate students take up full-time employment with a member company and form part of the iGEMS alumnae.


iGEMS (Incubating Great Engineering Minds) aims to increase the number of technical and engineering graduates from disadvantaged communities in NMB and to place them in permanent employment.


  • Sponsor an iGEMS learner.
  • Company/Industry support to open doors for collaboration and site visits/bursary and scholarships
  • Laptops
  • Data/Airtime
  • Water bottles & peaks

Contact Details

14 Bird Street, Felsted Building, Central

General Manager – Berenice Rose, berenice@uina.co.za  

Programme Manager – Laurene Booth-Jones, laurene@uina.co.za

Programme Logistics Coordinator – Heidi Campbell, heidi@uina.co.za

Students Programme Coordinator – Babalo Goba, babalo@uina.co.za

Bank Details

Unity in Africa Trust

080 216 374


Current Account

Reference: Algoa Cares